Home made soups with vegetables. Varied recipes according to the season and the garden.

PERMANENT CARD - Salted butter, emmental - Ham, emmental. - Ham, egg. - Egg, emmental - The complete (ham, egg, emmental cheese) TEMPORARY CARD - That of the moment (original recipe created on the theme of the event.)

PERMANENT CARD - Sugar - Jam - Home made chocolate, - Home made salted butter caramel, - Lemon and sugar - Grand Marnier liquor. TEMPORARY CARD - That of the moment (original recipe created on theme of the event)

Coffee - Teas - local apple juice - sirops - smoothies - sodas
1.We cook on demand.
2. Our crepes and soups are made on site with fresh products.
3.Our daily menus are created on the theme of the event.
4. We use local products.
5. Our dishes are homemade.
6. We provide ecological packagings.

Saying of the day : "if you want to carry you well, put in your stomach a garden."